Writing ✍️

  • Thinking out loud 

It’s a bit challenging to write my thoughtssometimes. When I think about them, they sound great. Even when I speak about them out loud they come out even greater. For some reason when I try to write them it is harder. Is it just the fear of the thoughts coming out clear? Or is it about me over thinking how it might be received? I am not sure. 

However, I will keep writing my thoughts, my dreams, and my experiences. I am always open to new challenges, new experiences, and open to learn. I always wanted to write a book, my dream is to share my life experiences with all the young people to learn from it. That’s why I think writing this blog might be the first step towards that goal. I am excited, and scared but I will keep writing. 

It is a learning process. Writing makes me confront myself. It is a very sacred thing for me. As writing publicly make ones self so vulnerable and openly fragile to readers.  

Thank you for being part of this journey,
Peace and Love, 
Dr. Sarah AK Ahmed 

Location - Sulaymaniyah 
Time - 12:11 pm 


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