The Path of Being a Good Person

I will give you an easy way to be a good person. I do have a belief that we are all inherently good. Some people stray the fact that people are all born good. However, I believe if they find the trigger to their goodness, they will win. 

Story time;
One day a friend of mine told me that she felt bad about herself and she wanted to be a better person. I gave her some ideas and shared with her my way of being a good person. I also shared with her, how to become a better version of ourselves. After one week of the conversation above, I was shopping while a work trip in the US. While strolling around ROSS, I saw something that represented exactly what I shared with my friend a week ago. I saw a diary. It was a special diary though; It had a 365 days. In each day there was a challenge that the owner of the diary needed to do. For example: January 1st the person that has the diary had to smile at a stranger. In March 23rd the person who has the diary had to lift some trash from the street without being asked to. The days goes on until the last day of the year where the person with that diary had to fix a problem with someone they love. All the challenges that are in the diary for each day of the year is an act of kindness and love; All the challenges show nothing but goodness. I immediately picked the diary up and purchased it for my friend. When I went back to Iraq, I gave the diary to my friend and asked her to follow these challengesto to her best ability. Also I told my friend to exchange the challenges that are not reasonable for our environment with ones that are more fit. 

With all the above being said, I think if we want to be good we just start small. Doing small good things everyday and be as consistent as possible. Even if this seems intentional and fake, I am sure it will trigger the goodness inside. Then the intentional actions start to become something natural. 

Now, I challenge whoever is reading this blog to do something good today. 
Examples of things you can do: 
  • Smile at someone while walking in the street. 
  • Send a nice message to one of your friends that you haven’t heard from for a long time. 
  • Get a flower or chocolate to your loved one. 
  • Click ‘like’ on social media for someone you are fighting with. 
  • Tell your brother/sister that you will always have their back. 
  • Take care of a stray-dog if you have them in your home town. 
These are just some simple examples that came to mind while writing . I will leave the rest to you; be as creative as possible when it comes to the act of kindness and goodness that you can do today. 

One act of kindness to start on the road of finding ourselves.
One act of kindness to start on the path of self realization. 
One act of kindness to start a relationship with our heart. 
One act of kindness to simply be good.   

Maybe this is idealistic to most, and maybe even not possible. However, I promise you that an advise from someone who have experienced this is better than a hundred book. Please be kind to each other even when it is really hard. Please be kind even if it hurt. I love you all, the no readers today, and all the readers tomorrow. 

Thanks for reading and being part of my life.
Peace and Love, 
Dr. Sarah AK Ahmed 

Location: Hamilton Ontario CA 
Time: 12:11 am 


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