Social Media


Social Media is a very important to all generations. It is important to  business owners, educational institutes, and entertainment. Social Media have became such an important part of daily life, and for some more than others. 

As a public figure and a social activist I try to reach young people through social media, I use  social media as a channel for me. I confess that I can do better in that front. I don’t do as goos as I should in posting, commenting, and following up, as it really consumes a lot of time. Also there is a difference between those who want to post a picture or a video just about clothes, makeup, or to create controversy, and those who want to create something that actually matters and touch someone’s life with it.

When it comes to me on social media I tend to be careful. I feel like I am burdened with this big responsibility of being on point all the times. I always make sure that I am politically correct, using the right language, and at the same time sending positive messages to the public. With all that being said I street about it to be honest. And for that I tend to be slow, and not as active as I am supposed to be.

I agree that social media is an important tool and it can be a very positive one. However, there is a negative effect that won’t be eliminated easily. Kids nowadays growing up wanting to be ‘famous’ and I have noticed in the past few years people would do anything to be that. It is scary really. A lot of content that is being shared is so destructive to the ideals that we were raised with. Some content are offensive, and others are just inappropriate. In addition all those negative things are becoming normalized and accepted by the masses.

I am not sure if we can change the fact that social media have two sides, but what if the bad is more these days?! To put it in a different way; I think the bad has more focus than the good. A fact that can be applied not only to social media but to many other issues.

What can we do? My challenge to you today is to share something positive. If you came across something good share it, and if you saw something bad or destructive report it. If each one of us did that daily more good will surface and the bad will diminish. I know this is too hopeful, but that’s who I am. So let’s share something good today.

I have promised myself if I ever had a public social media profiles I will keep them positive, productive, and clean. And I keep reminding myself about this promise every post, comment, and video I share publicly.

What is your experience with Social Media?

Thanks for reading and being part of my life.
Peace and Love,
Dr. Sarah AK Ahmed
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Location - Hamilton
Time - 08:11 PM 


  1. I try to follow your advise. I try to subscribe to several channels in YouTube that provide followers with educational contents and we should support them cause contents like that will positively impact the world. Enough with the consumerist content. As for your posts, I think all of them are positive and great. I just wish you post more but I know very well how hard it could be sometimes. Cannot wait for your next post :)


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