Ramadan Contest

For Ramadan I have notice that a lot of influencers are competing to present the best show. People are competing to show the best outfit, or to post the best videos. It’s all exciting in my opinion. But does it really fit in the spirit of Ramadan? Does it really fit with the idea of spiritual cleansing and rest? If you ask me, I would say no! Going back to my idea of Ramadan and how to maximize the goodness that can come out of this month. As an influencer I was thinking about a creative way to get my followers and fans engaged. I ask you to check my post from yesterday. If you can’t following is screenshoot of it.
Since Ramadan is the holy month I wanted it to be holier by actually practicing our goodness. I have asked my followers who are interested in doing something good to fulfill certain tasks that I will be posting during Ramadan. All the tasks will be revolving around doing something positive, productive and good. The first mission was to help with the house chores. I wanted the young people who follow me to collect all the trash, and exchange the old plastic bags with new ones. Then I wanted them to post a picture of a flower on their feed and tag me. In that way I can keep count of all those who have done good things and finished the tasks.

With finishing the missions there is a final reward. I know being a good person and giving back is enough of a reward. Since most of the followers and those who are interested are young, I chose to give them a gift of a ring after they finish all the tasks. When I was young my Dad used to reward us with something nice if we did good things, if we prayed right, or memorized the holy verses. The moments when I got those gifts are some of the memories that I would never forget. As all of them were rewards of me doing good things and leaving a good impact.

Let us see how this goes and if it will work our or not. I will update you at the end of the month. I am very interested about the statistics and how many people will be able to follow up and do what they’re tasked.

Again I repeat it, thank you for reading and being part of my life.
Peace and Love,
Dr. Sarah AK Ahmed
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Location - Hamilton
Time - 07:11 PM


  1. That was a cool idea. I hope next year you can do an entire project in Ramadan as people need to hear your ideas and experience something different from what they see every Ramadan


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