Never Listen ...

Never listen to those who bad mouth others in front of you. I learned that through out all of my life. I learned that those who talk about others, do not actually hate them. Most probably the person talked about is a representation of all that they are missing in themselves or maybe some of it. In my experience those who really hate on others with words,  need a lot of support and help.

I was thinking all day long about this subject and I even discussed it with two other friends. I wanted to put an advise about this on social media. I did not want my advice to be a cliche or something that anyone reads might think they already knew. After a second thought, I was like I don’t actually care about the outcome or the come backs to whatever I send as long as it is positive.

My advice for the day was, we should never hear from those who talk badly about others. Always push the negativity away. And if you ever had doubts about what was you heard, ask, question and use honesty and transparency. I might be wrong but whenever I encounter bad people, people who talk badly about others, or even when I learn that people have badmouthed me, I stay away. I never confront unless I care deeply and I know those who I am confronting are people who know me well. Again I might be wrong but I believe that if I am cleaver enough I should never let a snake bite me twice from the same spot.

A message of love to all those who struggle with success:
I am really sorry you are feeling lonely, jealous, or if you have any negative emotions. Use those feelings and direct them in a positive way to reach where you want to be in life.

I would love to know your thoughts. If you are reading this today or in a hundred years. I still would like to discuss and know your opinion.

Thank you for reading and being part of my life.
Peace and Love,
Dr. Sarah AK Ahmed
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Location - Hamilton
Time - 9:11


  1. I agree with staying away from those who bad mouth us. I also would like to add that we should not care about them. People are never satisfied no matter how good you are. Someone somewhere will always try to bring you down or talk shit about you. So best think to do is to try not to care


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